The Forgotten American’s

RECAP FROM JANUARY 28, 2010: After all the dust has settled and the confetti swept from the floor neither Democrat nor Republican mentioned the on going plight of Americans who continue to be tossed out of their homes. Foreclosures have increased and have become a cottage industry as advertisement after advertisement boasts of “available” homes to be auctioned off. It is funny, in a dark sort of way, how wealthy corporations can get bail-out after bail-out as well as stimulus money while taxpayers struggle to keep their homes and some semblance of dignity.
Not one peep came from the mouths of our politicians when it comes to the 10’s of millions of Americans who’ve lost or will loose their homes and that is in excusable. What will it take for these boneheads to ask for a freeze on foreclosures? People lost their jobs from the lack of good governance by politicians who were supposed to work on behalf of the people not corporations. Now jobs and opportunities have gone to countries with no labor laws or environmental constraints leaving their loyal employees behind to fend for themselves.
Though it’s not a good vision I know we will soon be at odds with China placing US corporations who have relocated to Asia in the crosshairs of Chinese wrath. And it will serve them right when they are arrested and their assets ceased by the Chinese Communist Party. Their greed will have paid dividends for the callous disregard they showed the US workers. The price for cheap slave labor will be their lives in many cases and I will have no pity on them since they had no pity on us. Hey I don’t write these visions, I only report what I see and like it or not we are heading towards war and it will not be pretty for westerners who will be caught in the crossfire. Ironically some will be taken captive and never seen again. Chances are they will be working in slave labor camps they once profiteered from and it will serve them right.
According to businessmen who’ve worked in China they witnessed the military building and building their arsenal. Many heard scuttlebutt about the future war with the West from Chinese handlers. Tensions are growing stronger by the day between the West and Asia. It almost appears intentional since the West is trying to push Russia’s buttons as well. What have we become? It would serve Tony Blair and Bill Clinton right to be enslaved in one of the many Gulags since they sold their countries industrial might and jobs to China. Their minions Gordon Brown and Barack Obama would fit right in as well. And their pleas for help would go unanswered just like the Americans and Britons who lost their homes and jobs to Chinese interests.
But all good things must come to pass since Earth Changes will soon take center stage throwing the aspirations of all nations in a quagmire as disasters alter the course of their histories. In fact, Earth Changes will alter the course everyone’s histories. I find solace in knowing Ma Earth will have the final say though. One thing I can tell you for sure, people will survive the changes. It will truly be a new world order but not the new world order our corrupt politicians were bargaining for either. Now that’s “Change We Need”. Bada Bing, Bada Bang, Bada Boom.
Your Devil’s Advocate
